Hello, my name is Afolabi.

I'm a frontend developer who enjoys creating beautiful websites.

Featured Work


Real Estate Website

ReactJs,TypeScript and TailwindCss

I developed a real estate website using React, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS, combining the power of these technologies to create a dynamic and user-friendly interface for seamless user experience.

To enhance the website's functionality and performance, I utilized React Query for remote state management and React Context for global state management, and integrated the backend API for seamless data fetching and display.




Shopie is a e-commerce website to shop and cart for different electronics,jewelries,men and women clothing.



ReactJs | TypeScript

The Chatter web app is a cutting-edge blogging platform developed using ReactJS and TypeScript, backed by Firebase database and Firebase authentication.

getlinked picture



During the intense five-day GetLinked hackathon challenge, I took on the exciting task of designing and developing the GetLinked website.

My work also included integrating APIs for the registration and contact form features, enabling a smooth user registration process and effortless communication with the GetLinked support team.

The design approach prioritized user experience, resulting in a clean, modern layout that maximized engagement.

Click HERE to see more work.

About me

Afolabi Mabunmi

I began my career as a technician, wiring and repairing industrial laundry machines. I learned these skills from my father who was also in the same field.

However, I had always been interested in technology and programming, so I decided to pursue a career in software development. I took online courses and taught myself the necessary skills to become a software developer.

Since then, I've been honing my skills and learning javascript and React. I'm a graduate from AltSchool Africa School of Enigeering.A 12-months intensive Web Development Diploma program. where I bagged diploma in frontend engineering.

I'm seeking internship role or junior role or full-time role where I can help a company achieve their goals and gain real work experience.

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